Adverse Weather Conditions Policy

Adverse Weather Conditions Policy

Hot Weather

The risk of heat related illness from vigorous sports activity increases with the temperature. The body generates heat which cannot be dissipated readily when the ambient temperature exceeds 85 degrees F, depending upon the humidity. Hot weather is considered at any point where the Heat Index reaches or exceeds 90. Coaches should follow the following procedures based on conditions:

· Heat Index up to 89°: Normal Play. Regular hydration patterns

· Heat index of 90°- 95°: Mandatory water breaks every 25 minutes.

· Heat index of 96°-102°: Mandatory water breaks every 15 minutes.

· Heat index over 103° (at start of training): All outside activity cancelled

Heat index can be determined here:  Game stoppage for a water break can be requested by either coach or referee.  A 2-minute water break will be authorized based upon the above guidelines.  The game clock will continue to run during the water break period.


  • If lightning is seen or heard, a lightning warning will be issued.
  • A count will start from the first sight of lightning until the associated thunder is heard.  If the count is less than 30 seconds from flash to thunder or as determined by advanced technology that the lightning is less than six (6) miles away, all individuals should be evacuated to a safe location.
  • When lightning has moved farther than six (6) miles away and 30 minutes has passed since the last strike within six (6) miles, play may resume.

Poor Air Quality

  • Games may be cancelled within 1 hour prior to kick off time based on the air quality. Please refer to this website for an accurate report:  This website will be the only reference given consideration for air quality reporting.
    • Games will not be cancelled if the air quality reporting is not in the red.
  • Each coach is responsible for checking the air quality for their game time. Games should be rescheduled, according to Club rescheduling policies, if the air quality is RED.

Winter Weather

Players are more susceptible to injuries during cold weather, particularly from pulled or torn muscles. Players should be encouraged to wear appropriate clothing to aid body heat retention yet afford adequate movement without creating a safety hazard. As a general rule, training programs will be cancelled if the projected temperature (including wind chill) at the start of training is projected to be below 25 degrees Fahrenheit.